Manipal Digital Limited Apps

Udayavani Kannada News
MORE is the Key word!Presenting the all new avatar of Udayavani news App. We heard yourfeedback andthought afresh. Starting from scratch we rebuilt our news app togive you MORE.So Get more with Udayavani now. More news, more breaking news, moretimely updates,more photos, more videos, more fun items, more special articles,moreentertainment and more information with the new and improvedUdayavani mobileand tablet app. Download or Update our app to experience the magicof MORE.* MORE EASE: All - New Look. Easy to browse. Simple to understand,Intuitivenavigation, pleasing design... just Tap, Swipe left, right, Up orDown. Enhancedreading experience guaranteed.* MORE NEWS: More news from more sections, more news from allDistricts, Morecoverage of State, Nation, World, Sports, Business, Health, Cinema,Opinions,Religion and many more categories, More organised than any otherKannada news app.* MORE VARIETY: More variety from serious news to fun and trivia,MoreEntertainment content to Most Useful Information, Very interestingarticles todeep insightful Columns, Colourful Photo galleries to Catchy Videos... you haveit all and many more to come.* MORE UPDATES: More breaking news and timely update of news feedin themobile-fist news era.* MORE MULTIMEDIA: More pictures, more videos, more is not boring anymore.* MORE EDITIONS: Definitely it is our specialty. We have 3 editionsfor younow. Karnataka edition for everyone and Karavali Edition for morespecific readersinterested in Coastal Karnataka News. English Edition tailored forour English readers.* MORE SOCIAL FRIENDLY: Our app is more social network friendlynow. Share yourinterests with your friends on social networks. Just tap andshare.GET MORE WITH UDAYAVANI
MerchantApp 1.4
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